Karen 970 708 8998

Hello I am Karen Marshall,

I am the founder, owner, manager and everything at my Telluride based oxygen equipment  business - Absolutely Oxygen Telluride llc. I offer over 35 years experience in the wellness industry. The reviews I receive span many years and are not paid for! As you will read, I offer unmatched service, focusing on client care and quality of service, which, and most importantly, at the top of the list, is being appropriately general and professional insured to offer in-residence medical equipment rental and equipment sales - FDA Compliance!. This is a crucial point as many oxygen businesses do not and cannot qualify for this insurance due to lack of credentials and continuity of appropriate insurance, and this lack of insurance is hidden by fussy websites intended to confuse and deflect. This goes on as oxygen rental services are not regulated in the mountains. I am known for integrity and reliability, 'I say what l do, and do what I say' - simple right! I do not sneak in unexpected fees, everything is disclosed in my process. I charge if equipment and/or accessories are broken or missing - rare. I do not add or pressure for gratuity - I do not accept gratuity, as I am grateful for my business and the support of decades of loyal returning clients.  Since my business' launch I have focused on client care, quality equipment and service, and positioned myself independently. I do not offer third party billing enabling uninsured actors to mark up fees - medical general and professional equipment industry insurance does not permit this third party activity, this exposes the client and property owner, these points are indicators of trustworthy (or not) business practices. Do your research, do not simply trust a concierge whose goal is  gratuity and commission, they are often restricted by managers taking kick backs, I understand commissions, but overlooking a business being appropriately insured is unacceptable - risky for the guest and/or property owner. I am on the right side of this saga as I am diligent in my business practices. Look deeper than smoke and mirror websites, and overly nice salespeople. I treat people well, I run an exact business, we all know where we stand in the process, and I do not pressure to book, I put  people before $$$, and it all works out great. 

The San Juans are stunning, Telluride and Mountain Village are magical, you will have a great time. 

It's a good life!